Переклад англійською з французської: être
Словник: main
2 accept, acquire, admit, adopt, aim, ask, assume, bring, call for, carry, charter, choose, claim, conduct, consider, consume, contain, contract, convey, deal, demand, direct, drive, engage, exact, fill, film, get, get hold of, guide, have, hire, hold, ingest, involve, lead, learn, lease, look at, make, necessitate, need, occupy, pack, pick out, postulate, read, remove, rent, require, select, shoot, strike, study, submit, subscribe, subscribe to, take, take aim, take away, take in, take on, take up, train, use up, withdraw.
3 accept, approach, attack, attempt, be, begin, catch, commence, consult, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, get down, go about, hang, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, hop, put on, ride, see, set about, set out, start, start out, start up, take, turn on, undertake.
4 accept, bear, birth, cause, consume, deliver, experience, feature, get, give, give birth, have, have got, hold, induce, ingest, let, make, own, possess, receive, stimulate, suffer, sustain, take, take in, throw.
5 accept, catch, experience, feel, find, get, have, incur, lose, meet, obtain, receive, submit, suffer, take.
6 accommodate, adjudge, admit, agree, apply, arrest, bear, bind, book, carry, check, concord, concur, confine, contain, control, curb, declare, deem, defend, defy, entertain, give, go for, guard, halt, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold back, hold in, hold up, keep, keep back, maintain, make, moderate, nurse, obligate, oblige, obtain, prevail, reserve, restrain, retain, support, sustain, take, take for, take hold, throw, view as, withstand.
7 accomplish, achieve, add up, amount, attain, become, bring home the bacon, come, come out, come through, comprise, consist, constitute, contract, deliver the goods, form, get, go, grow, make, maturate, mature, number, reach, succeed, take, total, turn, turn out, win.
8 accomplish, action, apply, carry on, carry out, carry through, conduct, deal, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, give, make, perform, put on, take, turn in.
9 accomplish, action, apply, carry out, carry through, do, execute, fulfil, fulfill, make, perform, practice, put on, take, turn in, use.
10 accomplish, action, be, become, carry out, carry through, cost, dally, diddle, do, execute, fiddle, flirt, fulfil, fulfill, function, get, grow, make, maturate, mature, perform, play, put, put on, serve, take, toy, try, try on, turn, turn in.
11 accomplish, action, be, carry out, carry through, compose, comprise, constitute, construct, do, effect, execute, fulfil, fulfill, get, make, make up, perform, put on, represent, take, turn in.
12 acquaint, compere, display, emcee, exhibit, expose, feature, have, introduce, lay out, mount, portray, pose, posit, present, put forward, put on, render, represent, return, state, submit, tender, turn in.
13 acquire, adopt, assume, bring forth, designate, disclose, display, evince, exhibit, expose, express, indicate, point, produce, show, take, take on.
14 act, be, characterise, characterize, comprise, constitute, correspond, defend, interpret, make up, play, represent, stand for, symbolise, symbolize, typify.
15 act, be, comprise, constitute, correspond, defend, exemplify, interpret, lay out, make up, map, play, present, represent, stage, stand for, symbolise, symbolize, typify.
16 act, be, comprise, constitute, defend, intend, interpret, make up, mean, play, playact, present, represent, roleplay, signify, stage, stand for, symbolise, symbolize, typify.
17 act, be, dally, diddle, dissemble, embody, fiddle, flirt, perform, personify, play, playact, pretend, represent, roleplay, toy.
19 affect, associate, bear on, bear upon, colligate, come to, concern, connect, determine, have-to doe with, impact, influence, interrelate, involve, link, link up, mold, pertain, refer, regard, regulate, relate, shape, tie in, touch, touch on.
20 afford, construe, give, hear, intend, interpret, mean, read, see, think, translate, try, understand, yield.
21 aim, assay, attempt, be after, contemplate, contrive, design, designate, destine, essay, intend, mean, plan, plot, project, propose, purport, purpose, seek, set about, specify, think, try, undertake.
22 aim, design, designate, destine, drive, get, intend, mean, plan, propose, purport, purpose, specify, think.
24 appear, arise, come along, come out, develop, grow, look, originate, rise, seem, show, spring up, uprise, visualise, visualize.
25 appear, articulate, bespeak, betoken, emit, evince, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, interpret, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, portray, prove, read, record, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, turn out, turn up, utter, word.
27 appoint, be, comprise, constitute, establish, form, found, institute, make, make up, name, nominate, plant, represent.
28 argue, attest, bear witness, bespeak, betoken, betray, bewray, call attention, certify, demonstrate, denote, depict, describe, designate, display, draw, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, expose, express, indicate, lay out, manifest, mark, point, point out, present, prove, read, record, refer, reflect, register, represent, shew, show, signal, signalise, signalize, state, testify.
29 arm, bear, brace oneself for, build up, carry, equip, fit, fit out, fortify, furnish, gird, have, instal, install, outfit, own, possess, prepare for, put in, set up, steel oneself against, steel onself for, stock, stockpile.
32 articulate, bespeak, betoken, correspond, denote, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, prove, read, record, reflect, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, state, symbolise, symbolize, turn out, turn up, typify, utter, word.
33 articulate, bespeak, betoken, correspond, depict, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, picture, point, prove, read, record, reflect, register, render, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, state, symbolise, symbolize, turn out, turn up, typify, utter, word.
34 articulate, bespeak, betoken, display, emit, evince, exhibit, expose, express, formulate, give voice, indicate, intend, interpret, let loose, let out, mean, phrase, point, portray, prove, read, record, register, represent, show, signal, signify, stand for, turn out, turn up, utter, word.
35 assume, be after, believe, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conceive of, concoct, consider, contemplate, deal, deem, design, devise, dream up, envisage, esteem, get up, hatch, have in mind, hold, ideate, imagine, intend, look at, look on, look upon, machinate, mean, organise, organize, plan, prepare, presume, reckon, reflect, regard, regard as, repute, see, study, take, take for, take for granted, take to be, think, think about, think of, think up, view, view as.
36 assume, believe, call back, call up, cerebrate, cogitate, conceive, conjecture, consider, deem, doubt, experience, feel, find, guess, hold, hope, hypothecate, hypothesise, hypothesize, imagine, intend, love, mean, opine, presume, recall, reckon, recollect, regard, remember, retrieve, see, speculate, suppose, surmise, suspect, take for, take for granted, theorise, theorize, think, think about, trust, view, view as.
37 attack, be, bear on, catch, come to, commence, concern, contract, cost, depend on, depend upon, devolve on, embark on, fall, flow, get, hang, have-to doe with, hinge on, hinge upon, hitch, pertain, refer, relate, ride, see, start, start up, take, touch, touch on, turn on.
38 attest, bear witness, certify, demonstrate, establish, evidence, manifest, march, prove, shew, show, testify.
42 be, build, cause, construct, cook, create, do, draw, echo, equal, fix, get, give, have, induce, make, make up, perform, prepare, produce, ready, repeat, run, score, seduce, stimulate, take over.
43 be, build, compile, compose, comprise, constitute, construct, make, make up, organise, organize, represent.
44 be, carry, cause, come about, experience, fall out, feature, get, give, go on, hap, happen, have, have got, hold, induce, live, make, occur, own, pack, pass, pass off, possess, receive, stimulate, take, take place, throw.
45 be, catch up with, compensate, comprise, conciliate, constitute, cook up, correct, counterbalance, even off, even out, even up, fabricate, invent, make, make up, manufacture, patch up, pay, pay off, reconcile, represent, settle.
46 be, characterise, characterize, comprise, consist, constitute, cost, eavesdrop, embody, exist, feature, have, have got, hold, intend, interrelate, listen in, live, make up, mean, own, personify, possess, qualify, read, relate, represent, show, signify, stand for, take, think.
49 be, come about, exist, fall out, go on, hap, happen, lie, live, occur, pass, pass off, stand, take place.
50 be, come through, endure, go, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, make it, pull round, pull through, survive.
52 be, comprise, consist, constitute, dwell, establish, found, institute, lie, lie in, make, make up, plant, represent.
53 be, comprise, constitute, cost, embody, equal, exist, follow, live, make up, personify, represent.
55 be, dwell, endure, exist, experience, go, hold out, hold up, inhabit, know, last, live, live on, populate, subsist, survive.
57 be, endure, exist, experience, go, go through, hold, hold out, hold up, last, live, live on, obtain, prevail, see, subsist, survive.
60 be after, conceive of, consider, count, debate, deliberate, envisage, ideate, imagine, intend, mean, moot, plan, study, think, turn over, weigh.
62 bear, carry, endure, entertain, go, harbor, harbour, have, have got, hold, hold out, hold up, keep, last, live, live on, nurse, own, pack, possess, stay fresh, survive, take, take hold, wear.
64 bear on, come to, concern, correlate, have-to doe with, interrelate, pertain, refer, relate, touch, touch on.
65 bear witness, demo, demonstrate, depict, designate, establish, evidence, evince, exhibit, express, indicate, picture, point, present, prove, read, record, register, render, shew, show, show up, testify, usher.
66 bear witness, depict, designate, disclose, evidence, evince, expose, express, indicate, picture, point, prove, render, show, testify.
67 bespeak, betoken, constitute, designate, establish, found, indicate, institute, plant, point, read, record, register, say, show, signal, state, suggest, tell.
73 characterise, characterize, condition, dispose, measure up, modify, qualify, restrict, specify, stipulate.
76 communicate, connect, contact, get hold of, get in touch, get through, intercommunicate, interrelate, pass, pass along, pass on, put across, reach, relate, touch base.
78 comprise, consist, entail, feature, have, have got, hold, implicate, imply, include, mean, own, possess.
80 comprise, contain, have, hive away, hold, incorporate, lay in, own, possess, preserve, put in, salt away, save, stack away, stash away, store.
83 correspond, hold still for, intend, mean, represent, signify, stand for, symbolise, symbolize, typify.
90 display, exhibit, expose, lay out, offer, pose, present, provide, put up, represent, show, submit.